Test Instructions
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Difficulties taking the test
I cannot see the questions on Google Forms
AutoProctor works by loading a Google Form on its own site. So, if the Google Form doesn't load properly for some reason, whatever error message Google Form shows, the same will be shown on the AutoProctor site too. For example, as you see in the image below, AutoProctor has loaded a Form but the Form is complaining that only users in the organisation can view it. This means that, either you must log in with the right email ID or the person who created the form must allow others to access it.Few readersTest Stuck at Loading Screen
As we mention in our instructions on taking Proctored Tests, AutoProctor uses quite modern technologies to detect and analyse anomalies. This requires modern browsers. It also requires the device hardware to have high enough specifications. While we cannot list all the specifications required, the easiest way to check if yoFew readersTest is showing a blank page or grey screen
Most likely, this is because of an issue with your login. You are logged in with a Google account that doesn't allow you access to the test. Logout of all your Google accounts by clicking on https://accounts.google.com/Logout For more information, read these instructions for a Timed Test, and these instructions (htFew readersTest loads but cannot click on answer
If you see a form like this, where you cannot click on the questions, visit https://accounts.google.com/Logout and log out of all your accounts. Try loading the test after signing in with the correct Gmail account.Few readersSwitched to different application falsely showing in the Report
Sometimes, especially with the demo test, you may see the "Switched to different application" violation. If your test lasts just a few seconds, this one violation may reduce your Trust Score significantly. But, you need not worry about this violation for an actual test. An actual test lasts at least several minutes, and even if the AutoProctor system falsely detects a 'Switched to different application' event, it will not affect your Trust Score. So, in summary, don't worry about this event!Few readersTest loads but is very slow and laggy
If the test loads fine but it is very laggy or slow, it just means that your device doesn't have good enough hardware to run AutoProctor. Your device may be running Facebook and YouTube perfectly well, but remember that AutoProctor is capturing video from your device and running Artificial Intelligence algorithms on it. So, it requires much more processing power. You can try closing all other apps on your device, and rebooting your device just before you take the test. But, if you still cannotFew readers
Where do I find the answers of an AutoProctor test?
Test Results The results of a test, which contain the test taker's answers, the points they scored can be found in different places based on the type of test you have created. We explain how you can find results for each test type we have on AutoProctor. To know where to find the Socratease Quizzes One of the advantages of using Socratease Quizzes is, you get to see both the test results and the proctoring results on AutoProctor itself. ThPopularHow to see results on AutoProctor?
There are two types of results that can be seen for any test, and they are distinct from each other. Test Results These are the results of any tests the student took. Test creators can check these results to understand the student's performance on the tests. If you are using Google Forms, you can check the test results by seeing the Google Forms responses (https://support.google.com/docs/answer/139706?hl=en:~:text=View%20responses&text=See%20answers%20by%20person%20or,responses%2C%20click%Some readersWhy do some violations have missing evidence?
Violation vs Evidence Violation - An event that AutoProctor detects which is anomalous. For example, if there is no face being detected on the camera feed. Or if a test taker switches to a different tab Evidence - Evidence of the violation. For example, a photo of the camera feed when nFew readersCannot See Response in Google Form
We get asked this question a lot. There is ONLY ONE reason you aren't able to see Responses in Google Forms, and are able to see the Response on AutoProctor: the test taker has not clicked on the Purple Submit button. The test taker has to click on 2 Submit buttons to finish the test. The Purple Submit button is inside the Google Form. AutoProctor loads the Google Form within itsFew readersResuming Test Attempts
Multiple Attempts and Resuming a Test Normally, every time a test taker opens a test link, AutoProctor creates a new test attempt. If a test has Maximum Number of Submissions greater than 1, you can attempt it once, submit it, attempt it again, and so on. Each attempt will have its own answers, time taken, trust score, etc. Now, imagine a test has a duration of 30 minutes. What if a test taker starts the test, closes the tab after 20 minutes and reopens it? Or they lose internet connectivityFew readersWhere can I see proctoring results?
To see proctoring results, from your dashboard, click on the Results button for the test you want to see proctoring results. Test Results From Dashboard In Results Page, you will see a table which shows all the submissions. You can see details such as when the test taker started and finished the test, the trust score (https://autFew readersHow to see details of Unsubmitted Tests
On AutoProctor, an Unsubmitted test is one where the user doesn't click on the Green Submit button at the top of the test. That is, the test taker has started the test, possibly seen the questions, but hasn't submitted the test. To view Unsubmitted tests, you can click on the checkbox that says Unsubmitted Tests on your Test Report page. When you click on the Checkbox, if there areFew readersAutomatically Write Test Results to Google Sheets
Write to Google Sheets You can find AutoProctor's results on your dashboard at any point. You can also export the results as an Excel file. But, instead of downloading an Excel file each time, you may want the results to show up on a Google Sheet automatically. For this, you can enable the Automatically Write to Google ShFew readersMaximum Attempts for a Test
What is Maximum Attempts for a Test? The Max Attempts setting allows you to set the maximum number of times a candidate can attempt a test. You can find this in the Main Settings section of your Test Settings. Maximum Number of Attempts (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/2abc2e1da180f600/imagejac6do.png =400x163) Let's say you have set Max Attempts as 1. If a canFew readersChecking Individual Submissions on AutoProctor
For Socratease Quiz Visit your Dashboard Click the View button under the Results section of the relevant test. This will open a list of user submissions If the user has finished the test, and it has been graded, their score will show up as a link with a percentage next to it. This is shown in a red box in the image below Checking Individual Responses (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/2abc2e1da180f600/screenshot-2022Few readersRestricting the test based on email ID
You may want to restrict your tests to users from a specific domain, or having specific email IDs. You can do that by setting Login Restrictions in Advanced settings. Login Restrictions Domain For example, if you set the login restrictions as above, it means that only users whose email IDs end with abc.com and xyz.com can take the test. You could also include entire email IDs. So, for example, if you choFew readersWhat is Export to Excel?
Viewing Results Once students submit the test, you can see the results of the test on your AutoProctor dashboard. As shown in the image below, you will see the test taker's name, email address, test start and submit time. If Proctoring is enabled, you will see the Trust Score. If it is a Socratease quiz, you will also see the Quiz Score. Test Attempt Results of all Test Takers Exporting to Excel YoFew readersResuming Google Forms Tests
Background This article discusses what must be done when a user closes a Google Forms test midway on AutoProctor and opens the test again. Please read this article to better understand the different concepts involved in resuming AutoProctor tests. Read this article to understand how Google auto-saves responses. Allow Resuming Existing Test Attempts Say you want to allow your test taker toFew readersHow to allow other users to access Test Results
Say you have created a test and students have attempted it. You can log in with your account and see the test results. Now, you want to allow other users (say, other teachers in your school) to see the results too. There is a simple way to do this if you are using Google Forms. Share the link of the Google Form with whomever you want to grant access to. Ask them to open the Timer + Proctor add-on from within the Google Form. They are now associated with the same Google Form. In fact, they willFew readersWhy No Face or Multiple Faces Detected even though clearly there is only one face?
Why the detection can go wrong Sometimes, AutoProctor's report may show a No Face Detected or Multiple Faces Detected violation, even though in the evidence, there is actually a face! This may make it seem like AutoProctor is very wrong, because our human eye can easily see the face. But, remember that AutoProctor uses AI to detect if there is a human face. And, AI isn't 100% accurate! The AI that AutoProctor uses is trained onFew readersHow to restrict AutoProctor to only some users
Students take the AutoProctor test via a link. Anyone who has access to the link can take the test. But, sometimes, you may want to restrict AutoProctor to only a few students. How can we achieve that? The easiest way would be to ensure that the test link isn't available to all users. If there are 20 students in your class, and you want only 15 of them to take the test, share the link with only these 15 students. This may not be enough though and maybe one of these 15 students will share thFew readersWhy do I not see Random Photos in the report?
Random photos are taken at random times throughout the test. For example, if a test has a duration of 05:00 minutes, the system may decide to take 3 photos at 02:00, 04:15 and 04:45. If you submit your test at 01:30, the system hasn't had enough time to take the first photo. So, you won't find any random photos in the report.Few readersStudent Name is Incorrect in Results Page or Excel
AutoProctor doesn't ask the user to input their name. If the name is incorrect on a result, either: The name they have chosen on their Google Account is wrong. They have used the wrong email ID while attempting the test To fix the name in the report, the student must change their name on AutoProctor. Once they change their name by editing their profile, their name on the report will automatically change. Let's say your Test Report looks like below: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesFew readersUnable to see Images and Recordings in Student's Test Report
On a student's test report page, if you are able to see a list of all their violations but don't see the evidence for that (that is, you cannot see an Image or Audio recording): If you see many violations, but you do not see a single image or audio recording, you must have disabled the recording feature by disabling the "Me after the test" option in your test setting: What do the different AutoProctor Settings mean?🤔 IfFew readersWhat does "Went Offline" in the Proctoring report mean?
Candidate Internet Tracking How does AutoProctor track internet connectivity? When a candidate is being proctored via AutoProctor, AutoProctor continually pings a server from the browser where the test is being taken. This ping happens at regular intervals (say, every 5 seconds). So, if a caFew readersCandidate Login Methods
Logging in to AutoProctor If you share the test link with multiple candidates and they all submit responses from their respective devices, we must differentiate amongst their submissions. We make candidates log in so that we can identify the submission. Login methods available ThereFew readersInviting candidates via email
Email Invitations By default, for candidates to attempt an AutoProctor test, you share the test link with them. One disadvantage with this system is that the link can be shared with other candidates. You can use Login Restrictions to ensure that the candidate email IDFew readersThings you *NEED* to know
Please read through these instructions very carefully. To date, hundreds of thousands of students have used AutoProctor. There are a few mistakes that are commonly committed. Due to these mistakes, either the students cannot take the test, or all the answers they submit are lost. If you follow these instructions properly, all this can be avoided! No File Upload question in your Google Form: File Uploads are not compatible with AutoProctor. All other types of Questions are allowed. 2PopularInstructions for taking a Proctored Socratease Quiz
Video: How To Take The Socratease Quiz Unlike Google and Microsoft Forms tests, Socratease tests are much simpler to attempt on AutoProctor. Watch the video below to understand how to take a Timed AutoProctor test. Guidelines For Taking The Test Here are a few guidelines on what kind of browser/device to use for a Proctored test: On iPhone and iPad: Use Safari (at least version 13, or higher)Few readersBest Practices for Teachers🧑🏫
If you are using the Proctoring feature, you absolutely must make your students take a demo test. This demo test will help the student understand how to use AutoProctor. It will also check that their computer/phone has the required configuration to take the test. Before you share the actual test link with the students, send them this link: https://www.autoproctor.co/tests/start-test/GFICZZZA If you want to know how to use AutoProctor,Few readersInstructions for taking a Timed Socratease Quiz
Video Walkthrough: Taking the Socratease Quiz Unlike Google and Microsoft Forms tests, Socratease tests are much simpler to attempt on AutoProctor. Watch the video below to understand how to take a Timed AutoProctor test. Demo Test Click this link to take the Timed Socratease Test: https://www.autoproctor.co/tests/start-test/cRoAvQmBaUFew readers