Resuming Google Forms Tests
This article discusses what must be done when a user closes a Google Forms test midway on AutoProctor and opens the test again. Please read this article to better understand the different concepts involved in resuming AutoProctor tests. Read this article to understand how Google auto-saves responses.
Allow Resuming Existing Test Attempts
Say you want to allow your test taker to resume a Google Forms test after closing an existing tab, or when they open the same test in a new tab. For this:
Do NOT ENABLE the Disable Autosave feature for Google Forms

In the AutoProctor settings for the test, enable Enable Auto-resume

Disable Resuming Existing Attempts
Say every time a user visits the AutoProctor test link, you want AutoProctor to start a new test attempt. With this, all the answers a user had entered previously would be lost. For this:
Enable the Disable Autosave feature for Google Forms

In the AutoProctor settings for the test, disable Resume Unsubmitted Test

Default Settings
Because the default setting on Google Forms is that Autosave feature is enabled, the default setting on AutoProctor for Google Forms tests is that Resume Unsubmitted Attempts is enabled.
Updated on: 10/07/2023
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