Bulk Import Questions from Excel
tl;dr: If you have many MCQs or MCAs already and want to import them into a Socratease Quiz, you can upload them as an Excel file
This feature is useful if:
You already have many questions in an Excel or Word format
You are collaborating with people in generating a large number of questions and want to review them before creating them on the Socratease quiz
This feature is available only to Elite Plan customers
The steps involved are:
Download the template as an Excel file
Add the questions to the Excel file
Upload the Excel file to the quiz
The Excel file looks like this. It has the following columns. Any column with a * corresponds to a column that cannot be empty.
Question Type*: Can be one of MCQ (Single Correct Answer) or MCA (Multiple Correct Answers)
Question*: The text of the question you want to ask
Opt1 - Opt5: The text of the different choices. If you have only three choices, fill in Opt1, Opt2, Opt3 and leave the rest blank
CorrectAnsInd*: For an MCQ, this is an integer corresponding to the choice number that is correct. For example, if Option Number 2 is the correct answer, CorrectAnsInd = 2. For an MCA, if Option Numbers 2 and 3 are correct, CorrectAnsInd = 2,3. That is, separate the numbers with a comma and no space
Markdown: If you want your questions and options to be shown as Markdown, enter 1 in this column. Else, you can leave it blank
Points: Number of points for the correct answer. You can leave this blank if you aren't assigning points
Time (in seconds): If your quiz has questions coming one-by-one, instead of all-at-once, you can specify the time limit in seconds for each question
Image: The URL of an image you want to show along with the question. The image has to be a direct URL (ending in a .jpg, .png, etc). Do not share a Google Drive link or the link to a page that contains an image.
Import from Excel File
This feature is useful if:
You already have many questions in an Excel or Word format
You are collaborating with people in generating a large number of questions and want to review them before creating them on the Socratease quiz
This feature is available only to Elite Plan customers
The steps involved are:
Download the template as an Excel file
Add the questions to the Excel file
Upload the Excel file to the quiz
Excel Template
The Excel file looks like this. It has the following columns. Any column with a * corresponds to a column that cannot be empty.
Question Type*: Can be one of MCQ (Single Correct Answer) or MCA (Multiple Correct Answers)
Question*: The text of the question you want to ask
Opt1 - Opt5: The text of the different choices. If you have only three choices, fill in Opt1, Opt2, Opt3 and leave the rest blank
CorrectAnsInd*: For an MCQ, this is an integer corresponding to the choice number that is correct. For example, if Option Number 2 is the correct answer, CorrectAnsInd = 2. For an MCA, if Option Numbers 2 and 3 are correct, CorrectAnsInd = 2,3. That is, separate the numbers with a comma and no space
Markdown: If you want your questions and options to be shown as Markdown, enter 1 in this column. Else, you can leave it blank
Points: Number of points for the correct answer. You can leave this blank if you aren't assigning points
Time (in seconds): If your quiz has questions coming one-by-one, instead of all-at-once, you can specify the time limit in seconds for each question
Image: The URL of an image you want to show along with the question. The image has to be a direct URL (ending in a .jpg, .png, etc). Do not share a Google Drive link or the link to a page that contains an image.
Updated on: 02/12/2025