Articles on: Socratease Quizzes

Why Socratease Quiz?

Why Socratease Quiz?

Google and Microsoft Forms were built to conduct surveys. They lack many features that a Quiz tool needs. Socratease has built a tool that is meant for Quizzes only. The video below shows how you can use Socratease Quizzes within AutoProctor.

The video below shows you how you can create a Socratease Quiz.

To create a Socratease Quiz, visit this link.

Advantages of using Socratease Quizzes

One Submit button: The biggest complaint of AutoProctor is that it needs 2 Submit buttons. With a Socratease quiz, you need just 1 Submit button. If you are using Google, Microsoft Forms, etc, you will still need 2 Submit buttons, though.
Auto-submit Test: With non-Socratease Quizzes, if you enable Auto-submit test on AutoProctor and the student doesn't submit the test in time, all the answers are lost. With a Socratease Quiz, if the student runs out of time, all the answers are saved, and then the test is submitted.
Disable copy-paste: With online quizzes, there is always the fear that users may copy-paste answers from other websites. Or that they may copy the questions and upload it on some other website. With Socratease Quizzes, you can disable all copy-pasting.
Single Dashboard: Socratease Quizzes are created within AutoProctor. So, you can do test creation, viewing of results, checking the Trust Score, etc all within the AutoProctor site.
Formatting, Equations, Media: Unlike Google Forms and other such tools, with a Socratease quiz, you have many more options to format the questions, add media easily, etc. You can also use LaTeX to insert mathematical questions.
Auto-resume Quiz: With other platforms, if the user reloads the page, they must re-attempt the entire quiz from the beginning. With Socratease quizzes, the quiz will resume from where it left off. So, if a user's browser crashes or the internet goes down, they can resume the quiz.

You can click create a Socratease Quiz on AutoProctor by visiting this link. You can learn more about Socratease's settings by clicking this link.

Updated on: 06/17/2024

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