What gets tracked and recorded during Proctoring?
What we track
AutoProctor's proctoring settings are highly configurable. The test creator can decide what aspects of the candidate's exam environment must be tracked. In this article, we list everything that AutoProctor can track. What actually gets tracked depends on how the test creator has configured the test.
Data Feeds
AutoProctor can access these feeds on the test-taking device:
The camera feed
The microphone feed
The screen share feed
Auxiliary device camera feed
What we Detect and Record
Unlike other proctoring tools, we do not record the entire video or audio of the test session. AutoProctor detects the violations and shows you evidence of only the violations, so that you don't spend hours looking at each candidate's attempt.
Record noise and audio cues in the background
Capture a photo if the camera detects no faces or multiple faces
Capture screenshot when user switches to a different tab/application
Take Random Photos throughout the exam
Detect if the candidate is connected to more than one monitor
Take a photo of the candidate's face before the test starts
Enforce Full Screen so they can't see other tabs or windows
Session Record the candidate's actions (mouse clicks, keyboard typing), as they attempt the test
Pair Auxiliary Device (phone) with primary test-taking device to monitor keyboard and ensure candidates aren't using ChatGPT, etc to cheat
Updated on: 03/03/2025